Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In need of happier days

Today was rough. 50+ third graders on a walking tour in downtown Salisbury in the rain. I won't get into the details but it wasn't pretty.

These things are making my day happier.
On the way home, the hot light was on. It was a very easy decision to make...

I sing this song in my head all day long.

so you think you can dance season 6 top 20
Bad guilty pleasure tv instead of lesson planning. (how ridiculous is Tyra in this shot?)

And this headband makes me happy. Ahem...Christmas is right around the corner :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your field trip was rough! I hadn't even thought about Top Model in so long...I miss our Top Model parties. For some reason, the CW doesn't come in on antenna here.


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