Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Etsy Love: Hot Dates
I'm really liking Etsy's latest blog idea: Hot summer dates
My favorite date ideas and purchases:
A day of Gallery Hopping
Carnival Joy Ride
Plus One at the Wedding
Picnic Time
Maybe I like the picnic idea the best of all after seeing those shorts!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Eva from Florence
Yesterday I had my hair cut but it's a good thing I didn't see this post from the Sartorialist beforehand. I'm a little in love with her ruffles and ruffled hair.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
cruel minor change
The only reason I went outside today was for new summer haircuts, raspberry lemonade and a little bit of shade.
Currently listening to: Gravity's Bringing Us Down-Beulah
Work of Art-Book Covers
Okay, I was really skeptical of this show and still am to some extent. However, I loved last night's challenge: create cover art for 6 Penguin Classic Novels. As someone who goes to used book stores and selects books based on cover art this was perfect. I know, I know, don't judge a book by it's cover but if I'm going to buy a book and leave it on my bookshelf I want it to look good! And no Kindle, Nook, etc. for me! I'll take a good used book with someone else's notes and doodles over electronic convenience any day.

Oh, and I wanted to hit the girl who misspelled Jane Austen.
Here are some of my bookshelf favorites (and favorite reads!):

Friday, June 18, 2010
As if I needed another reason to have a girl crush on Marion Cotillard...
Since enduring the heat at the Phoenix show last Saturday night I've been thinking about getting my hair cut. Just a good trim is all I need but I hate having hot summer hair. I suppose my hair was long last summer but long enough to pull up. It's too short to pull up now so the only solution is to go slightly shorter. Marion Cotillard and Vogue have convinced me even further.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Kitchen Display: Lots of Bowls

A day late! 3 days into summer break and I'm already forgetting what day it is. This kitchen combines my favorite kitchen elements: open shelving and lots of pretty dishes. Oh, and color sorting! I'll have to share how I color sorted my bookshelf soon.
found atstephmodo by way of Martha Stewart
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Gypsy Song
I heard this today. This was my favorite song when I was little. I remember asking my mom about it in the car one day and saying "you know which song mom, you know, the GYPSY song..." I didn't really have too much knowledge of gypsies but I was pretty sure they sounded like this.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Kitchen Displays: Chalkboards
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Field Day Dress
Today was Field Day at my school. The long awaited day was even more long awaited since 3rd-5th grade did not go out until 12:10. Try keeping 16 (2 kids absent on field day!?) focused while they can hear screaming little kids and see the bouncy house from the classroom window. Not happening.
Anyhow, of course I wore a dress. I was really thinking yesterday about wearing some gym shorts and a tank top but then was inspired to go to Old Navy after work yesterday to see if they had any cute (and school appropriate) shorts. Instead I found a gauzy field day dress. It turned out to be a good pick and combined with my flouncy straw hat I stayed relatively cool. My third graders however, complained every other minute...
Oh, and a few of my girls told me my hat looked like an old lady. I kinda took that as a compliment.
Dress-old navy $30, Hat-(similar to this)$18