Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kitchen Display: Mirror, Mirror
It's been ages since my last kitchen display post. After seeing this kitchen today I knew I had to start this up again. I think I like the idea of an oversized mirror in the kitchen. It definitely makes this space seem larger and reflects the lovely open shelfs.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Merry and New
Christmas and New Years were so lovely this year! My school system did not get out until the 23rd so only having one day to prepare for all the Christmas festivities was not grand but it was the best break despite that. In 11 days I managed to visit with everyone dear to me and have a few days to just be lazy. Here is a short version of my holiday.
Christmas Eve Eve-Secret Santa Party with my best friends! Not Christmas without this event. Miss Emma Louise attended this year too :)
My cousin, Amy, breaking in her new watercolor pencils at MawMaw's Christmas Eve afternoon.
Cats love Christmas too!
What makes Christmas dinner at Betty Mom and DaDa's even better?!?! A puppy! Mom and Tyler were smitten.
No family get together is complete without going through some photos. How stylish is my grandmother? And DaDa's skinny tie! My mom is the youngest in the middle.
My dad cooking Christmas breakfast on his new "Man Patio".
Cooking in the new kitchen at my dad's. MawMaw is always in charge of grits.
Good Christmas Breakfast
We always get a gigantic tree at my dad's but he was late on the tree game this year. This little tree is so perfectly cute in the newly renovated study.
After Christmas I went down to South Carolina to spend a few days with Jon and his family.
Wilda Kate has grown so much since August!
I'm not sure if Isabelle was happier to see me when I got home or my new quilt made by Jon's mom.
New Year's shoes! Update to my old suede heels with my grandmother's shoe clips. Fancy!
I made him wear the hat for a photo and he made me hold out my pinky while holding my drink. Compromise.
On New Year's Day we went and saw The Artist (so good!) and then cooked our first official New Year's dinner the next day. And Jon couldn't spell apocalypse but I still love him.
So that's it! A great end to a wonderful year and a great beginning to an even better year. Happy 2012.